As the world is rapidly becoming more and more infatuated with its sin are we as christians preparing the next generation to stand in the midst of this inpending darkness. They will now and even more so at 5,6 7 years of age be confronted with the images of same sex marriages and their classmates would be the center of the discussion. Are we training them to walk in love but yet not compromise to the spirit of the age.
In Rom 1 it talks on humanity being turned over to its own lust and evil desires if not heeding to the call for righteous living. thats saved and unsaved alike. So the question is are we feeding the flesh of this next generation with stuff stuff and more stuff or are we showing them how to cry out to Father on the altar with their bible in one hand and a spiritual knife in the other? Cutting off and gouging out everything that would cause them to come into agreement with the spirit of this age.
Giving them understanding of whom they are and whothey belong to is so much greater than the temporary seen that will lead into many roads of destruction.
The way for them is being paved quickly by multi-media and society to be self sufficient, self indulgent, self promoting. SELF SELF SELF. We as the Body are lagging behind in the timely word, "Train your child in the way he should go and when he is old he will not depart from it"Prov 22:6. Some have in their own minds rewritten the word and have added psychology and allowed their children to experiment or even removed the power from the Word to say that they will depart and come back. That's not how it reads. If we train them and write the Word on their hearts then their will be no room for what the world wants to write on it . We will have given them instruction on how to live and conduct lives of power without compromise to the worlds twisted views.
We have to wake up! The enemy is having a field day with the youth. Where are the mothers and fathers that will come and restore order in the land? Who will stand up and say no more we may live in this world but we are definitely not of this world? Will it be one? Will it Be You????
Sunday, February 27, 2011
Sunday, February 20, 2011
Yes Abortion is Murder And (Thats Your Right)

Its funny to me that we never really hear people have the balls to say abortion isn't wrong, they just like to say that they have a" Right" to do it. We have taken this genocide of a generation and have given it a name of "Pro Choice" when the real name in behind it is "Pro Death". We sit back and have allowed this to become a pass time like buying new shoes or baseball games. We sit idly by as we give the ticket to this spirit to wipe out the voices of hope and true change. We take the" mistake" and/or carelessness of parenting and raising our children and tell them abort it. (Which ever one you choose) Take a pill you'll feel better in the morning. Not comforting the hole that has now been placed inside of the very fabric of their souls. Not acknowledging that the part that was ripped out sucked out plucked out of your body was a human being. No longer are we seeing things clearly. Beloved ,that child was needed most dearly. The cancer has spread not only just in the news but also in the pews of local ministries. The blood of these young prophets flowing like many streams. The earth is drinking it up and the taste and smell of death the world is eating it up. When you look back you may never know if he or she would of had your eyes or your nose. See yes it would be an responsibility more than just buying some pretty clothes. But when do we begin to teach again that was the price that we chose. Abortion is not a get out of jail free card. Its an invitation to an open nameless grave yard. Where the parts of our babies are victims to homicide. Where are the wailing woman to cry ? When will it be enough ? Why don't we believe that capitalizing on our sin is not the business. But yet we make it big business. We fund it more than new books for our schools or feeding the poor. We capitalize off our little children being made into whores. Again who is crying and wailing out for the voiceless. So on every stand point ,Yes you do have the Right to do you , be you. But when its all said and done and it gets perfectly still and its just you. Can you face you? Its Your RIGHT, right?
Friday, February 4, 2011
I Was Raped By My Lover
Have you been raped by the world?
I was raped by my lover and molested by my friend
I tried to turn to my mother but found out she also had been raped in the end
I looked for love in inner circles where ITS wounds ran deep
I used anti-depressants to make sure Id fall asleep
And when that didn't work, I let IT hit my womb deep
I was raped by my lover and molested by my friend
My innocence ripped from the grips of my soul
I had things entering into every imaginable hole
Ear gate Eye gate trapped in my own mind accompanying an unwanted cell mate
And when I tried to just walk away
IT proceeded to play
With everyone of my open ended emotions
The sound of the torment tore into my flesh like corrosion
I was raped by my lover and molested by my friend
Now it is so hard for me to trust again
To experience a real love from within
I'm more accompanied with my sin and its comfortable within
No one sees the strange fire from within
Cause why would you think its strange when the strange fire is within you
I see that you shared the same dance with IT my ex lover too
Some of you still do
Did IT tell you the same lies and then criticize you for your decisions you made
Did IT tell you of the price you must pay
See my friend was the world and IT wanted ITS dues
It demanded my payment
My life IT had claimed it
And nothing within my feeble will could have changed it
But it changed
Some how some way my life was reclaimed
Jesus on the throne who reigns
The lover of my soul who heard my every cry
He didn't pass me by
How many people are crying out for help and have been passed by?
Have you tamed the strange fire inside?
Dancing, singing and shacking with the world
That your brother,sister or even your own soul would no longer be raped and molested.
How many times have you been tested and failed.
Didn't hear someone else screams, because of your own yells.
Cause if you listen long enough your soul would tell
That your really luke warm and going to hell
Have You Been Raped By The World
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