Friday, January 21, 2011

Are you Willing

Are You Willing? That was the question that Holy Spirit asked me when I was in a time of prayer and meditation on His Word. Are You Willing? Again, asking the same question. Just like a child who presumes they know what their parents are asking I begin to say yes Lord Im willing, Ill go where you tell me, I ll pray for people, Ill do the right thing. Ill be those hands and feet for you. He asked, Again Are You Willing? So I stopped getting a little hurt by the fact that my answers obviously didnt measure up to what He wanted to hear. Do you eat the good of the land, Faith?I guess so. No, take a good hard look and tell me, do you believe that you eat the good of the land to the fullest. No,Lord. Why, not ? I guess I've not been obedient. Is that what My word says that if your obedient you will eat the good of the land. Then he reminded me as I begin to search my heart on a not so prideful level and the word Willing was heard. The word says in Isa 1:19 that if your are Willing and Obedient that you Shall eat the good of the land , 20 goes on to say but if not you will be devoured with the the dogs(message version). Oh Wow! So HE begin to show me that it's not so much of me not being obedient but of my willigness to Him to be obedient. This scripture is misquoted alot and we go through the regiment of doing things and saying were obedient when really verse 20 tells us that we are rebellious. Yet, we desire for the things in our lives to prosper. I think we get submissveness and obedience confused. We believe that we can do things and in our hearts be rebellious about it and that the blessings of God and eating the good of the land will fall upon it. Now dont get me wrong God is Soveriegn and can choose to bless the work of our hands by our submission to someone else's vision or purpose or even just taking the background to someone else and coming in second. He can do whatever He wants. I believe though that He wants us to get the full truth from His Word. For me to understand that the fullness of the good of the land will come and will even come much easier as I am Willing And Obedient. It goes back to our relationship with the One we say we love, serve, and adore. Why would we not be willing to be obedient to what He requires that we may benefit eating the best of the land(NIV version). This was a wake up for me to really search my heart and ask Holy Spirit to usher it into a place of Complete Willing and Obedience. That's a tall cup to drink , but for what He's done and is doing for me I believe its well worth it. Wont You Drink?

Romans 5: 19
For just as one man's disobedience made many sinners , so also the (willing) obedience of one Man has made us righteous. Italics added.

Love and Peace Faith

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